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May 14, 2020, 1pm - LIVE HABLA Platica on Current Affairs w/local Latino Leaders

Join HABLA for our LIVE virtual weekly check in on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 1pm on our HABLA Facebook page for a panel discussion regarding Latino current affairs, community news, public policy and quality of life issues impacting our local Latino community. 

This week our panel discussion will include a range of topics including: AISD - ongoing calls from the community for a 3rd party equity audit and the latest information regarding the Superintendent search, latest COVID-19 data, ongoing disproportionate impacts to Latinos in Austin, Travis County, and available testing sites; and the latest information on available loans, grants, resources to support our local small Latino-owned businesses in Austin, Travis County. 

Our panelists will include:

-Diana Ramirez, Director, Economic Development Travis County

- Noelita Lugo, Co-Founder 2019’s Save Austin Schools Coalition 

- Joseph Cajas, Chairman of the Board, Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

- Iván Dávila,Director of Communications and Community Engagement for Central Health

- Monica Saavedra, Director of Marketing and Community Relations for CommUnity Care 

Our live platica will be moderated by Paul Saldaña, Co-Founder/Facilitator HABLA

Join us! RSVP here:

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Event details here:

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