Join us on Thursday, September 3, 2020, 6pm for our HABLA Plática: Austin City Council Dist 2 Candidate Forum LIVE on HABLA's Facebook Page:
On Monday, August 17, 2020 twenty Austinites filed to have their names appear on the November 2020 Austin City Council ballot for District 2, 4, 6, 7 and 10.
Austin City Council District 2, with the largest Latino population, will soon be vacated by outgoing Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza and Southeast Austinites will have the opportunity to elect a new Austin City Council Member for District 2.
The candidates for District 2 include:
- Vanessa Fuentes
- David Chincanchan
- Casey Ramos
- Alex Strenger
Join us as we hear directly from the candidates about why they believe Austinites should support their efforts to serve as the new Austin City Council Member in District 2.
Our HABLA Plática Candidate Forum will be co-moderated by Alicia Perez-Hodge and Paul Saldaña, Co-Founders of HABLA.
RSVP here: