Join us for our next HABLA Plática: Share Austin's Future, the Redistricting Process on Thursday, August 13, 2020, LIVE at 1pm on HABLA's Facebook Page:
Austin has 10 City Council Members and a Mayor. The Mayor is elected by residents citywide and each Council Member is elected by residents of a geographic district within the city.
Austin has a process for residents to redraw the boundaries of the council districts every ten years. The boundaries of the council districts greatly impact Austin’s government and will shape how residents are represented for the next decade.
Austin residents will redraw the council district boundaries in 2021.
Two groups of residents will be involved in drawing City Council district boundaries. The Applicant Review Panel will help select the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. Commission members will draw the district boundaries.
The Austin City Auditor is responsible for the application process for community members interested in serving on either Panel or the Commission.
The City started accepting applications on June 1, however Latinos remain underrepresented in the application process to serve on the Commission.
Join us as we receive a presentation from Corrie Stokes, Auditor for the City of Austin regarding how we can reshape Austin's future and participate in this important process.
We will also hear directly from Carmen Llanes Pulido and Maria Solis both current members of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission as they offer their experience and perspectives.
We will also discuss how this redistricting process will impact our Latino community and share thoughts about both the challenges and opportunities under the current political climate in Austin, Texas.
Patricia Fraga from the City Auditor's Office and Paul Saldaña, Co-Founder of HABLA will co-moderate this important discussion.
RSVP here: