Join us for our next HABLA Plática:"The Reopening of Austin ISD Public Schools" on Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 1 p.m.
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Entering week 21 of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Austin Public Health Officials have reported that there have been 14,622 COVID-19 cases in Austin, Travis County.
The Austin Independent School District has revealed its plans for the new school year. On August 18, Austin ISD will offer full on-campus learning, hybrid, or 100% at-home learning options for students and families.
"We believe that they do not have the interests of workers, of students and their families in mind as they make the decisions that seem to be more guided by fiscal realities than human realities," said Ken Zarifis, Education Austin president.
AISD Trustee Arati Singh has been reaching out directly to AISD families, encouraging parents to keep their children enrolled in AISD schools. "Keeping your child enrolled in AISD keeps you in the broader AISD family, makes post-pandemic transition to school easier, and keeps more dollars (and therefore, teachers, tech, extracurricular programs) in our school system when we need it the most."
Join us for this important HABLA Plática regarding the reopening of public schools.
Our panelists will include:
- Ken Zarifis, President, Education Austin
- Stephanie Hayden, Director Austin Public Health
- Arati Singh, At-Large Trustee, Austin ISD
- Jocelyn Vokes, Special Asst. to the AISD Superintendent
- Gabriel Estrada, Asst. Executive Director, Austin Voices
- Noelita Lugo, Community/Parent Representative
- Juan Tovar, AISD Student, Travis High School
- Heaven Contreras, AISD Student, Navarro High School
- Carmela Valdez, Teacher, AISD Elementary Dual Language
Our Plática will be moderated by Paul Saldaña, Co-Founder of HABLA.
RSVP for the event here: